Here is a link to a sensible article at the SEO Book blog about site testing. It’s sensible, organized and highly worth a read if you are interested in being successful with Web Development Site Testing. It is relating to writing good Copy

SEO Book

Addicted to Facebook

March 8, 2009

Facebook Logo

Sucked into Facebook and never Came Out



Ok, lots of people are falling into the Digital Void.  Here’s a list of 10 ways of knowing you are addicted to Facebook

10 Ways of Knowing FACEBOOK has got your Soul 

  1. You used to check your email as soon as you got up, now you go straight to Facebook, even though you are waiting on an urgent email
  2. You talk to your Facebook friends more than your real ones
  3. You have to see your counsellor when someone refuses a Friend Request
  4. You have given up all thoughts of Online Security and leave your login page settings on REMEMBER ME, even on a public network
  5. You have over 500 friends in Facebook and none in real life
  6. You started your own Group so you can have fans
  7. You consider Facebook as a Spiritual experience
  8. Your Profile has your phone number exposed to everybody intentionally
  9. You let everybody know when you are having breakfast
  10. You get dressed up to have photoshoots just to upload images to your profile

Ok your turn guys

Making money with Social Networking is Evil

Here’s the second part of the Marketing on on Facebook Youtube Tutorial.

And here is Part 1 of Marketing on Youtube